There are many TOTALLY FREE WAYS to make money on-line without spending a dime!
The easiest, fastest, and cheapest (FREE) way to start making EZ money on-line is to sell other people’s digital products (software, ebooks, and subscription services) using ClickBank plus free advertising methods. You can get a Free ClickBank account and a Free ClickBank Mall in minutes (more info here) then start with free advertising today. There are many free ways and places to advertise already discussed on this site and elsewhere. A good place to start would be with free traffic exchanges like TrafficSwarm, TrafiicG, or TS25. If you use a traffic exchange the product you market should be a hot marketing product since majority of “surfers” you are exchanging traffic with are also marketers or webmasters. It is not the best place to get sales but is a fast and free way to get started and test your ads.If you have your own website it is a quick way to get your hit counter rolling and maybe attract some customers or followers. Traffic exchanges are also a good way to see what other marketers are trying to sell and how they market it. That would be in keeping with the theme of this site “Earning comes with LEarning“.
There are many people selling information on how to make money with ClickBank but there is also plenty of good free information available if you search hard enough. Many marketers reveal their tips and tricks for free, including one of the top marketers I’ve mentioned many times, Ewen Chia. It amazes me how many people just blindly pay for the next guru’s secret strategy when it probably is something they learned elsewhere and just re-packaged. Ewen is one of the few who freely shares the best marketing tactics to achieve top results no matter what you are selling. The fact that he has more of the top selling products than anyone on the net comes from his freely sharing success “secrets” with others – who end up promoting his products for him. Myself included, such as MyFree Website Builder I reviewed on this site. I have probably learned more about marketing on-line from Ewen this year than in my 15+ years of trial and error. Promoting him is just my way of saying “Thanks Ewen” for sharing freely so all can LEarn to Earn more.
Once you LEarn and Earn using free advertising you can venture into pay per click from your profits. Don’t jump into an expensive Google AdWords campaign before you have learned and earned enough to pay for it. Most people give up too soon because they spend more than they earn before they learn. LEarn to Earn the EZ way – FREE!
That’s it for now. Maybe I’ll get a round-tuit and add some “secrets” later. Till then I’ll be LEarning.
It’s like you’re on a msision to save me time and money!