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Hike Bell Rock

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Fight Fear with FEAR

It’s easier to overcome your fears if you think of FEAR as a Positive acronym,


Let’s break it down,

Faith – Believe that You were Inspired to do something for a reason
The only way to FAIL is to QUIT or never try

Enthusiasm – It’s hard to have Enthusiasm without having Faith
Faith you were Inspired for a reason helps build Enthusiasm

Action – Enthusiastic Action overcomes Fear, aka False Evidence Appearing Real
Action is taking an Enthusiastic Leap of Faith knowing you cannot fail unless you quit

Results – Results come from taking Action because you had Faith & Enthusiasm
Once you have results you can learn from them and take new and better actions

I know some people will fear negative Results so much they will not even try to make their dreams a reality. They will never succeed until they overcome the FEAR. You need to have Faith that YOUR unique ideas are in YOUR head for a reason and want to be expressed, be it through art, music, science, or the gift of gab – whatever way you enJoy the most. Doubts about your ability are nothing more than an unwillingness to learn from your mistakes. If you FEAR you will fail, you will never try. If you never try, you will never fail. If you never fail, you will never learn from your mistakes. If you never learn from your mistakes, you will never succeed. Have Faith.

Trust your gut feelings to be like a guardrail along the side of the road to your destiny, not a stop sign in the middle of it. Use caution and reason, especially when it comes to spending money on advertising your new venture. Start slowly and learn a little at a time so you don’t overload and create more fear or go broke before you learn. Take baby steps and learn from your little mistakes. Don’t just think about how your going to do something – do a little now and learn from it, you can change and improve things later. Nothing is permanent except death and taxes, and the second one you means you are making money. Pay more taxes and have less fear of dying because you are FEARless. Your ideas are unique and valuable to someone. Share them with the world and create Results.

Like this post, it’s unfinished, and I’m afraid it’s worthless….

But I know I was inspired to write it for a reason so I’m posting it anyway!

Maybe I’ll be the only one who reads it and benefits, that’s a good enough reason.

In Joy,



1 comment to Fight Fear with FEAR

  • “Maybe I’ll be the only one who reads it and benefits, that’s a good enough reason.”
    Yep, I came back and read it again.
    Thanks jimmy, I needed some Enthusiasm:
    “Don’t just think about how your going to do something – do a little now and learn from it, you can change and improve things later..”

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