One of the quickest ways to make money on line is to create your own blog about your favorite hobby or expertise. The main part of this website has been my photo galleries for the last 6 years. Another hobby of mine for 15 years has been creating and hosting websites for other people. Some are artists selling their creations, others just want to share their passion with as many people as possible. Having your own website allows you to earn money while making other peoples livesĀ easier by sharing what you know. This site started from sharing a few photos with family and friends and has now grown in size over 1000%. So has the traffic, Just2EZ now gets visitors from 48+ countries viewing our Red Rocks of Sedona and other photos on this website. Some even read this blog!
Almost anyone can manage a blog, look at me! I just started this a week few months ago and already it’s getting full of useless helpful advice and tips. I learn more everyday because Earning comes with Learning.
If you need help setting it up just let me know, that’s what I do. Contact: jimmyfox
Hi, just wandered by. I have a Fujifilm site. Truly more information than you can imagine on the web. Looking for something else, but great site. Have a good day.